What's New @ CUPIC?
Wed, 11 Nov 2009 - CUPIC partners with South African hospital to study HIV-exposed but uninfected infants CUPIC researchers Dr. David Speert and Dr. Tobias Kollmann participated in the HIV-Exposed but Uninfected Infant workshop, held Nov. 3-5 at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study, South Africa to plan a study to investigate potential mechanisms for the enhanced morbidity and mortality of HIV-exposed but uninfected (HEU) infants. More
Mon, 31 Aug 2009 - CUPIC website launched The Centre for Understanding and Preventing Infection in Children is pleased to announce the launch of its new website. CUPIC collaborated with the BC Child and Youth Health Research Network to create this comprehensive source of information on the centre and its research into innate immunity and childhood infections. Stay tuned for frequent updates to the site's content. Or to make sure you don't miss a thing, subscribe to CUPIC's RSS feed today!
Mon, 13 Jul 2009 - CYHRNet features CUPIC in newsletter The story of CUPIC's inception was the headline story in the BC Child and Youth Health Research Network's summer newsletter. The story tells about CUPIC Director Dr. David Speert's vision of a collaborative multidisciplinary research centre that would effectively tackle the problem of childhood infectious diseases and the long road to realizing that dream. Check out the CYHRNet newsletter
Mon, 27 Nov 2006 - CFI awards funding for CUPIC infrastructure Dr. David Speert has been awarded $3,226,617 in funding through the Canada Foundation for Innovation's New Initiatives Fund. The funding, which totals $8.1 million with matching funds from the province and the BC Children's Hospital, will go toward infrastructure for the Centre for Understanding and Preventing Infection in Children (CUPIC).
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